Heavy-Lift Load-Out / Load-In of Project Cargo

Heavy lifts or similar critical cargoes such as heavy generators, turbines, reactors, boilers, towers, casting, heaters, locomotives, boats, parts of oil rigs and production platforms are also lifted; some of these are also removed at the end of an installation’s working life or completion of project. Non-Standardized Cargo in accordance with Annex 13 of the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.

To transport heavy lift items special trucks known as SPMT’s are used, which are suitable due to their large loading area and capacity. Special heavy lift vessels, often possess own cranes for loading and discharging cargo.
Transportation of heavy lift items ranks among the most challenging and complex services in logistics and is handled by specialized companies.

Supervision of load/discharge of heavy cargoes , and its transportation to the un-loading site.
Issuance of heavy cargo lashing/securing certificates