On/Off Hire Surveys

On Hire/Off Hire Surveys are carried out to determine the condition of a vessel at the time of delivery to charterers or at the time of redelivery back to owners and is followed by a Bunker Survey to determine the amount fuel oil and diesel oil remaining on board at the time of delivery or redelivery.
In an On-Hire Condition Survey the focus is on the ability of the vessel to carry the intended cargo efficiently; hence it involves but may not limited to the condition of:

  • Holds
  • Hatch covers
  • Cargo gear
  • Decks
    Water tight integrity of hatches, hatchways and other openings
    Efficiency of hatch opening and closing systems
    Trading Certificates etc.
    Overall condition and state of maintenance of the vessel including machinery spaces
    Recorded speed and fuel consumptions at sea and in port
    Hose or Ultrasound test of hatch covers to check water tightness if so required by the client.

Bunker Survey is held along with the Structural Condition Survey; the purpose of the Bunker Survey is to determine the quantity of Fuel and Diesel Oil on board at the time of delivery or redelivery.
Bunker Survey may also be held without the Condition Survey if so required.
The surveyor issues a certificate showing the quantities of fuel and diesel oil on board the vessel at that time. R&W can carry out these surveys in all ports of the UAE at short notice.